It's time to book your Fall Sessions!
I cannot believe it's time to start scheduling Fall Family Sessions.
I was February like just a few days ago, right?
So while we have a few months to go ahead and prepare, I wanted to go ahead and get the word out and get you thinking about Pre-Booking your session.
My Fall availability becomes more slim by the day once August hits.
I know what you're thinking, you're still in Summer-Mode and you haven't processed that Fall is right around the corner. I get it.
I am always shook when I walk into stores and Fall comes before Summer is over and Christmas comes 5 months early. (am i right? lol)
But by going ahead and Pre-Booking, you get a cheaper rate, first availability to weekends and you get those pictures back in time for your Christmas cards.
If you haven't already booked your family session yet, I would love to speak with you about getting on my calendar.